6 Ideas To Avoid Creative Burnout
At some point, I’d become my own worst boss, never allowing for complete days off to rest and rejuvenate my spirit and mind. Never allowing myself the time to learn from other people and refresh my ideas and perspective. What happened was like the result of an imbalanced and extreme diet. I got tired of cutting myself off from all things that brought me joy, simply gave up and lost all motivation and productivity.
To avoid this burnout in the future, I'm writing myself some advice to follow going forward that I think will help me live a more fulfilling, healthy, creative and productive life.
1. Make a clear schedule for yourself with realistic deadlines
I had rigid deadlines, but not a clear schedule that showed me exactly how I would meet those deadlines and in how much time. This has led to many late nights because I would get distracted with other tasks during the day or accidentally attend too many events during the week. When I was full-time freelancing, I kept a very organized and detailed planner in order to meet clients' deadlines and it worked. I need to re-instate that for my own deadlines.
2. Schedule sweet, restful days with a loved one
There had been a great lack of these days in my life for a year or two. These are important but I think it is equally imperative to schedule days where we just get to catch up, rest, and explore with each other—in person, if possible.
3. Do strange things
Make time to do things that you haven't done yet or don't normally do. Things that seem scary, out of your ability and even child-like.
4. Connect with new people and new ideas
Make time to learn and grow and dive into a network, website, resource, or book that you've been wanting to study. When you are doing these things, look for other people around you or involved and start a conversation. See where it takes you, what you can learn from them and how you can open your mind even further.
5. Make something with your hands or do something physical
There is something magical about making something with your own hands. It gives you a renewed confidence in your mind's ability to conceive an idea and your body's ability to carry out that idea and make it a reality.
6. Don't be afraid to spend a little
After experiencing burnout, I think that spending a little money here and there on the things that enhance your health and nurture your relationships can be healing.
I hope these ideas can help both of us going forward and please let me know what you have experienced either in a comment or in an email.
More resources for avoiding burnout: 11 Ways to Avoid Burnout by Sasha Vanhoven, 7 Strategies to Prevent Burnout by Paula Davis
Credits: Image #1 by Eberhard Grossgasteiger